Manual Device Grouping

Manual Device Grouping

Assigning devices to specific groups can streamline management and enhance organization within your system. There are multiple ways of adding device to a group. 

Multiple Assignment of devices
  1. Go to the "My Devices," "New Devices" page, depending on where your device is listed. You can also use "Search" bar on top header to find the device.
  2. Select one more devices that you want to assign to a group.
  3. Click the "Assign Group" button visible on the right side of the table
  4. From the list of groups, select the group to which you want to assign the device and save the changes

After a device is added to the group, it may take up to 15-30 minutes for the platform to apply all the apps and restrictions to the device.

Adding from Device Details page
  1. Search for your device by IMEI, Serial or any parameters from the top bar in the Web Portal
  2. Click on the Device ID link to view the device details
  3. Find the "Assign Group" button on the right side of the page
  4. From the list of groups, select the group to which you want to assign the device and save the changes
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