To add new restrictions follow the steps below
- Locate the side menu and click on the "Restrictions" option.
- Click on the “Add” button at the top of the page.
- Enter Restriction Details
- Restriction Name: Enter a user-friendly name for the restriction. The name should clearly describe the purpose of the restriction or the group it applies to
- Order Field: Each restriction must have a unique order value. This field determines the application sequence of restrictions. Restrictions with a lower order value will be overridden by those with a higher order value.
- Group Selection: Choose the group(s) to which the restriction will apply from the dropdown menu. You can select one or multiple groups in this step.
- Categorize and Configure Restrictions
- The restrictions are divided into categories based on functionality. For example, Bluetooth-related restrictions are found under the “Bluetooth ” category.
- Each restriction requires either a dropdown selection or text entry. Refer to the description under each restriction to understand the expected format for text entries.
- After filling in all required fields and configurations, click the “Add” button at the top right corner of the page to save the new restriction.
Following these steps should help you successfully add and configure restrictions in FieldX.