Importance of the Global Restriction

Importance of the Global Restriction

The Global Restriction is a default restriction, with an order of one, created by the system. It cannot be deleted, but it can be edited or updated by authorized users. This restriction applies to all devices and can be overridden by any new restriction with a higher order.

Important points to note: 
  1. Use this to apply all common set of restrictions for all the devices.
    1. E.g. Disable factory reset for all devices, Enable Auto date & time for all devices, etc.
  2. As you know, restrictions in FieldX can be overridden by those of a higher order. Therefore, the global restriction will have lower precedence compared to the same setting in user-defined restrictions.
    1. E.g. For example, if you have set a global restriction to disable debugging features for all devices, you can still create a new restriction to enable debugging features for a specific group. The system will prioritize the new, higher-order restriction, allowing debugging features for that group while disregarding the global restriction
  3. In case your system doesn't require any specific restrictions based on device groups, you can use Global Restrictions to push policies for all the devices

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